Perception and Judgment Lab

Twenty-five maximally distinct Caucasian male identities were created using FaceGen Modeller ( Version 3.2. Based on the models of perceived competence and attractiveness created by Todorov & Oosterhof (2011), we built two models of perceived competence controlling for facial attractiveness. The first “difference” model subtracts attractiveness from competence and forces the resulting models to be negatively correlated. The second “orthogonal” model controls for the shared variance between competence and attractiveness. The description of these two models and their validation is available in Oh, Buck, & Todorov (2019). We varied each facial identity along the two new dimensions of perceived competence controlling for attractiveness. Each identity was manipulated to create seven versions (-3 SD, -2 SD, -1 SD, 0 SD, 1 SD, 2 SD, and 3 SD).

If you use these faces, any resulting written work should acknowledge the software used for face generation, FaceGen 3.2, Oh, Buck, & Todorov (2019), and Todorov & Oosterhof (2011). The full citations for these articles are:

Oh, D., Buck, E.A. & Todorov, A. (2019). Revealing hidden gender biases in competence impressions of faces. Psychological Science, 30, 65-79.

Todorov, A., & Oosterhoof, N. N. (2011). Modeling social perception of faces. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE, 28, 117-122.

Click here to download the files: 350 JPG files (25 identities X 2 models X 7 manipulation levels) for the face images and ReadMe text files for both models.

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